The Importance Of Gratitude


In around 500 BC, Cicero said something like this:  Gratitude is the greatest of attitudes. I recently read an article on the importance of gratitude. There was a great reminder. "We tend to be more grateful when we focus on positive action, not on passive complaining." Sometimes we tend to get stuck in the problem rather than looking for solutions. There is always a solution and some positive action to take. I began doing a gratitude list some years ago when I read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah van Breathnach. She suggested making a daily list of ten things for which you are grateful. This has really helped me to focus on how much I have each day for which to say thanks. Have a grateful day!

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

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