Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-26-10 (Integrity in Business).

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-26-10 (Integrity in Business). For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-26-10 (Integrity in Business).

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-26-10 (Integrity in Business). For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Silent Little Miracles

For Christmas, I was given a book entitled "When God Winks at You - How God speaks directly to you through the power of Coincidence" by Squire Rushnell. He is a former television president and CEO. He was an executive with ABC for over 20 years. He shares real-life stories of others, famous and not so well known, of "silent little miracles in their lives which he calls godwinks. These are messages of assurance that no matter what is happening in your life or how uncertain things may seem at the moment, God is with you and will help you move toward certainty. Stories are broken into chapter headings that indicate that Godwinks are personal, offer hope and reassurance, helps us through changes/transitions, and may include answered and unanswered prayers.  The stories are a quick easy read and can uplift you if you are down. In recovery there several books, that are inspirational thoughts for the day. Here is another possibility and you can read one story each day.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

Plan To Be Surprised!

This weekend I watched the movie "Dan in Real Life" that came out a couple of years ago. At the end of the movie. Dan who is a "Dear Abby" type newspaper columnist states something like: Instead of asking your children about their life plans, perhaps it is better to tell them to Plan to be Surprised! I thought about the wisdom in that statement. I am learning to enjoy being surprised by life and to be more willing to be more flexible and "go with the flow." Often we can be black and white in our thoughts and actions.  Sometimes, it may help to ask myself the question, would I rather be right than be happy? This may also lead to wanting to control others, situations, events, etc. If I let go of the outcome, and be open to life's surprises, it may be even better than I could have imagined. Have you experienced this?

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

Living is not just going through the motions, on autopilot, and waking up finding that the days have slipped away. Living is slowing the pace and feeling each breath. We often speed through the day not realizing the cost. We slowly give away moments and fill our days with activities, then finally collapse with fatigue and frustration. The life we want is within our control, it is a choice, we can choose to slow the pace and relieve the pressure. Yet we feel we don't have control due to the outside pressures, relationships, obligations and commitments. This over connection is a burden and can cause resentment and pain. There is a balance that can be attained by anchoring to our core values and understanding the purpose of the roles we play. Our life is a gift, not only to ourselves, but to others. The amount of influence we have is based upon the relationship we have with ourselves. Living and breathing is the only thing we are required to do to experience this life.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Expressing Our Feelings


Freedom to express our feeling is a continual need and is an important part of growth. Our ability to express what we feel is a building block of any relationship. If this need is abandoned or neglected, we cut off a key part of moving forward. Most fear the repercussions or loss of people if feelings are openly shared, others are "brutally honest" and offend the listener, both are fear based and cause a lack of communication. There is a balance that can be achieved and is necessary in learning to be expressive. It is relevant and timely to learn the skills now to promote growth.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Seeing The Truth


Our emotional state affects how we perceive the world around us. We have the ability to feel how we want, therefore we can choose the way we see the world by controlling our emotions. The vision of our daily lives is like looking through a water bottle, no mater how we move the bottle it produces a different and distorted views. We never truly see fully or clearly what we are looking at, we my catch a glimpse of reality, but there will always be distortion. What is affecting our view and is controlling what we see is the ever present emotional state of our being, this state is driven by discipline or lack of disciplined of our thoughts. We have the ability to think, ponder, reason, and debate. We problem solve, internalize, visualize, and even dream, all with out much effort. How we discipline these process will impact how we feel and lead to our interpretation of our world. Seeing the truth is a challenge, but it is within our ability and reach. It just takes effort and discipline.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Seeing The Truth


Our emotional state affects how we perceive the world around us. We have the ability to feel how we want, therefore we can choose the way we see the world by controlling our emotions. The vision of our daily lives is like looking through a water bottle, no mater how we move the bottle it produces a different and distorted views. We never truly see fully or clearly what we are looking at, we my catch a glimpse of reality, but there will always be distortion. What is affecting our view and is controlling what we see is the ever present emotional state of our being, this state is driven by discipline or lack of disciplined of our thoughts. We have the ability to think, ponder, reason, and debate. We problem solve, internalize, visualize, and even dream, all with out much effort. How we discipline these process will impact how we feel and lead to our interpretation of our world. Seeing the truth is a challenge, but it is within our ability and reach. It just takes effort and discipline.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Spirituality As A Part Of Self Care

One of the reasons I have been excited about working as an Addictions Counselor is the ease that it offers to look at spirituality as a necessary part of the balance of self care. The 2nd and 3rd Steps of the Twelve Step programs are: 2. We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity and 3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him. I was recently given a book entitled "100 Ways to Attract Angels" by Samara Anjelae. Here are just a couple of suggestions from the book. #56 Reflect on your name. Try to find the meaning and the feeling that goes with it. Now reflect on the word angel, messenger of God. Next, place the word angel before your name. Know that you too are a messenger. Spread some love and lightness with someone today. ANGEL (your name). #57 Do an Angel Dance. Move in all directions with grace beauty and lightness. Spin around in a clockwise direction awakening each of your energy centers. Flow gently with every move, making your life the greatest dance of all. Invite and angel to be your partner. One of my favorite spiritual places is sitting by the ocean for feelings of peace, serenity, centered and connected. Next time I am there at the ocean I am doing an Angel Dance as well as right there in my own living room. Remember that old song by Alabama, "Angels Among Us." What do you think?

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

How Do You Define Addiction?

One of the best definitions I have heard is: When in the face of adverse or negative consequences, I still continue the behavior, that is addiction. Have you experience any negative consequences? In the 1950's the AMA accepted the concept of alcoholism/now any drug addiction as a disease; a disease that affects the brain. The disease concept stresses that substance dependence is like any disease, ie., heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. It is 1. chronic, lasts a long time, 2. Progression, if untreated it gets worse, and incurable. Substance dependence is manifested in 3 ways. We experience increased tolerance, the ability to use more and more of the substance, exceeding "recommended doses." We experience periodic loss of control as we cannot predict when we can stop with one or two drinks or "just a little." And 3rd we experience negative consequences and despite problems directly related to using/drinking, we continue to use. What does this mean for you or someone you know?

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

Savor The Day


At the end of the day we have a chance to unwind and contemplate, this is an important time to prepare for the next. The attitude we end up with at the end of the day, can affect the one will awaken with. This simple shift has big ramifications on the direction of our thoughts and opportunities. It is important to say that this reflection needs to be tempered with optimism and forgiveness of our humanity. With that said, there are several methods we can use; prayer, meditation, journal, and chatting with a loved one to de-compress. Whatever method we choose the result will be beneficial and time well spent.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-19-10 (Parenting)

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-19-10  (Parenting). For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-19-10 (Parenting)

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-19-10 (Parenting). For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Finding The State Of Rest


The body and mind must find a state of rest. We live in a fast paced time, full of meetings and schedules, deadlines and dates. We find ourselves running frustrated and fatigued. This fast pace doesn't allow us to integrate the day and the lessons we have learned. We put off the self nurturing we are in dire need of, finding ourselves speeding through life. Time is one of our constant allies, never leaving our side. It is the one thing we often misuse and is mismanaged. Time can give us the organization and structure to rest, meditate, nap, walk, sleep, or to just lay on our back looking at the clouds. This is when answers will find us and relieve us from the frustrations of the day and the not knowing. Find time to rest and recoup, make it a priority in self nurturing and enlightenment.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Love Has No Boundaries


Love has no boundaries, but we need them. It has been said "love has no boundaries," this can be a problematic, even though love is infinite and forgiving, humans are not. When we have unhealthy or poor boundaries the opportunity to create Pain and hurt or be taken advantage of is great. Love is a powerful expression, it can bring peace to a unstable heart, it can provide hope to a solitary life, bind two lives into one. Love is often confused with similar emotions, emotions that can feel just as powerful as love yet be very destructive. Emotions such as desperation, fear of abandonment, rejection, dependency with an unhealthy partner, enabling, just to name a few. Most of these start out as love then through the years become warped due to a lack of boundaries. Later we begin to recognize these feelings as love and pass them on to other relationships. Through example and modeling, even though it is unintentional, we teach these emotions to our loved ones and children, giving them the same understanding and confusion. It is imperative that we learn how to have powerful boundaries and allow love to become as powerful as it can be, not masked by unhealthy emotions disguised as love. It is through boundaries that love is disciplined and appropriate, fulfilling its purpose, and bind truth to truth.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-12-10 (Finding Patience and Acceptance with your struggles)

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-12-10 (Finding Patience and Acceptance with your struggles). For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-12-10 (Finding Patience and Acceptance with your struggles)

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 4-12-10 (Finding Patience and Acceptance with your struggles). For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Finding Our Truth


Each of us has been given an inherent ability to obtain knowledge. The lack of confidence we have in our own ability to learn and know the truth with in us is a common problem. We place our trust in others and turn every way but to ourselves to find answers, answers that we have the ability to find or discern. This disconnect creates a dependency on the world and a lack of trust in the divine, it is one of the great lies and is the cause of much heartache. It is the responsibility and opportunity for all humanity to connect to the truth through discernment and find our answers.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

The Importance Of Gratitude


In around 500 BC, Cicero said something like this:  Gratitude is the greatest of attitudes. I recently read an article on the importance of gratitude. There was a great reminder. "We tend to be more grateful when we focus on positive action, not on passive complaining." Sometimes we tend to get stuck in the problem rather than looking for solutions. There is always a solution and some positive action to take. I began doing a gratitude list some years ago when I read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah van Breathnach. She suggested making a daily list of ten things for which you are grateful. This has really helped me to focus on how much I have each day for which to say thanks. Have a grateful day!

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

The Four Agreements


One of my favorite books is "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. Have you read it? It is great to do a personal inventory each morning or evening to assess how you have kept these agreements with yourself for the day. The first is: Be impecable with your word. The Big BooK of AA talks about rigorous honesty with myself and others. Do you keep your word? Are you dependable? The second agreement is: Do not make assumptions. Of course, you are aware of the saying; "to ASSume makes an ass out of you and me.  So do not assume, ask questions. The third agreement is: Do not take it personal. It is more about "them" and their "stuff" than about me anyway. The fourth agreement is: Always do your best. Of course my best is not the same every day. Some days I may accomplish a lot. Other days, I may just thank God at the end of the day for another day clean/sober. Let me know if you have read the book and how it may have helped your recovery. Have a great day!

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

Keeping Ourselves Moving Forward


As we learn, grow and overcome, we feel a shift and change that is so powerful that we make note of it. Through it, we gain a strong resolve or marker of our growth. Later we feel as though we have lost the feeling or forgotten and regressed. We can never truly regress, if we are still acting on what we learned and are moving forward, the markers remain. So what has changed? Our perspective. For example, In the morning, when you put your shoes and socks on, and by midday you don't feel them anymore. This does not mean you have lost them, just that you have become accustomed to the feeling. As we keep ourselves moving on the path of discovery we will have epiphanies and feelings of euphoria, but these feelings will give way to knowing and may not carry the same initial emotions yet they are still powerful and relevant.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Pain Can Be Our Teacher


Wounds can take a long time to heal. We can and often do get hurt leaving wounds that do not fully heal, these wounds can scare us and become sensitive to anything that may appear as a threat. Pain is a teacher and is a continual companion on our journey in this life, we however, create pain that is not intended to be part of the journey. It is important that we learn to how discern the difference and eliminate unnecessary pain while embracing healthy pain. When we embrace pain that is healthy we progress. However, when avoid all pain we retard our growth process.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

It's Time To Recognize Drug Addiction For What It Is

In a recent article out of the March 3, 2010, Journal of American Medicine, quoted the new director of the White House Office of Nation Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), R. Gil Kerlikowske, former chief of the Seattle Police Department statement that after 4 decades the "war on drugs" is over. "It's time to recognize drug abuse and addiction for what it is -- not just a criminal justice issue, but also a very complex and dynamic public health challenge, one that demands a systematic, comprehensive and evidenced approach if we are going to be equal to the task. Such statements and the appointment of Thomas McLellan, PhD, as deputy director of the ONDCP have led to optimism that drug treatment will play a higher role in the U.S. drug policy. Dr. McLellan is a 35 year veteran of addiction treatment research. He is co-founder of the Treatment Research Institute, a non-profit organization that promotes the translation of addiction research into therapy, and editor in chief of the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment from 2000-2009 until his appointment. He indicates that the ONDCP is pushing prevention and early intervention by health care providers. Dr. McLellan was recently seen in the HBO special on Addiction. Could this be a step in the right direction?

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director
TurningLeaf Wellness Center Office: 435-652-1202

"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

New Ways To Treat Addiction

As an addictions counselor, I am always looking for new ways to aid in treating this disease. I was recently introduced to a book by Charles Gant, M.D., PhD., entitled "END YOUR ADDICTION NOW". Some believe the principles found in this book are the future of 21st century addiction treatment. He advocates bionutritional intervention for detox from drugs rather than traditional detox drugs, ie., Librium for alcohol, Suboxone for heroin. He claims to have recovery rates of greater than 80% in his private practice. He has a tests which identify a client's neurotransmitter deficiency. Depending on the deficient neurotransmitter, ie., dopamine, serotonin, then IV therapy is administered for approximately 6 days and then oral supplements are taken. This is said to heal the brain faster and decrease urges and cravings. I am open for feedback. What do you think?

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

Take Risks To Liberate Ourselves


As a timid bird with its new wings is determined to take flight and chirps for reassurance, A young child looks back as they walk into the first day in a new school, unsure of the days ahead. We each take steps towards uncertainty daily, wondering if the choices we are making are the "Right Choices." Doubt fill our heads with clouds of fear and questions, leaving us struggling, sometimes even immobilized. The true nature of man is to explore and take risks, pushing deeper into the unknown, revealing truth and knowledge. The perceived limits we face each day come from the conditioning we receive to define our world, yet each day we push into undiscovered areas to reveal answers, and even more questions. Each of us can challenge what we fear to challenge, by doing so, we can liberate ourselves and others from the fear of the unknown. Each step we take into our unknown moves humanity towards an enlightenment that we can only dream of, Inner Peace.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Healthy Intimacy


Intimacy requires a feeling of safety. Often we wait for others to provide feelings we are responsible to create. Healthy intimacy is an expression of self-confidence. When we are secure with the world around us we allow others to know us. The heart of man is pure and can at times express great things, yet the heart of the world can be corrupt and is subject to fear. When healthy expression and respect are present, it will be met with healthy intimacy.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

All Lies Will Expire


All lies have a shelf life, some expiration dates may come long after you have expired, but be assured all lies will expire. What determines the life of a lie is the value it carries, some lies carry and inspire fear that become a remedy for ambivalence. Still some create a dependency or need, they can create feelings of desperation which in turn will cause impulsive behaviors. Most lies breed fear, loathing, dividing, and separating us from faith and love. They can limit how we see the world. Lies can and often do take on a life of their own, needing no assistance for humans to exist. It is important to anchor to truth, it is the only way to separate ourselves form the lies.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Life Is A Choice

The length of the human life is meant to give us the opportunity to learn, not only from ourselves but from the lives of others. Each life is a representation and expression of generations of choices. Our lives are affected by the choices of the lives of others, we are a direct result of those choices. Every generation has progressed and will continue to progress based upon choices and results of choices. Some of those choices will be unhealthy, others will inspire and empower generations to come. The choice is literally ours!

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202
"It's not about change, it's about growth."