Gratitude: Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

On Thanksgiving, I had brunch with my daughter, Aly, and her family.  Her daughter, Abi, just turned nine years, put a paper by each person's plate with the title:  "What I am Thankful For."  Each of us, Eric, Aly's fantastic spouse, Aly, Abi, River, just turned six years, and I, all shared our gratitude lists.  They live out in Kayenta and it is so beautiful to look out at the red hills, the blue sky, and, yes, still green all around and to be thankful for the beauty of God's creations before my eyes.  I am grateful to live where it does not snow.  I can visit the snow beauty and fun and hurry back to the warmth of St. George.  I am also thankful for my cozy home. I have the greatest family, from my parents who are still living to my nine grandchildren who all light up my life.  I have three sisters and two brothers who have also, along with their children and grandchildren have added much to my life and continue to do so.  My own four children, Ami, Aly, Zack, and Jake are all amazing and so kind and loving.  I am also thankful for my extended TurningLeaf family.  They are all so gifted and willing to share.  I am thankful that I have always had amazing friends to add much to life's experiences.  Since high school, there are two powerful women friends that I still talk with on a regular basis.  Thank you for great friends here in St. George, who have been mentors and helped along my path more than I can ever explain.  I am grateful for work at TurningLeaf and the incredible people that have come into my life as teachers and enrich my life daily.  None of this would be possible without a loving God.  Yes, God, is good.  I have been journaling five things I am thankful for on a daily basis, however, it is fun to have a holiday to really focus on all we have and to be in that gratitude place for an extended period of time and hopefully to stay here. 

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

TurningLeaf Wellness Center --

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