Looking at our perceptions of reality and questioning their validity

Following up on that concept of awareness, I woke up the other morning to the thought "nothing is as it appears." I think this came out of a dream and I had the thought to get up and write it down, however, did not. I fell back to sleep and the thought came again to write it down. I finally woke up and wrote it down. What does this mean to you? How open are we to looking at our perceptions of reality and questioning their validity. Oftentimes, perceptions or beliefs maybe irrational and incorrect and yet we act as if they are real. That same morning I was working with a client who was open to examining his perceptions and the fear underneath. Perhaps that feeling of fear and the desire to avoid feeling the fear, gives us a powerful clue that our perceptions may be faulty.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

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