New and Valuable Holistic Therapies at TurningLeaf
Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.
Fear is a Sticky Emotion
Dean N. Nixon - Seminar Facilitator / Life Coach
Recovery is Learning How to be Proactive rather than Reactive.
Part of recovery is learning how to be pro-active rather than reactive and defensive. If I am pro-active I pause and think how to act rather than reacting with no thought. Deepak Chopra has defined "responsibility" as the "ability to respond". Responding is a proactive rather than a reactive approach. Max Lucado in the day by day book, "Grace for the Moment suggests: Yesterday, you can't alter, but your reaction to yesterday you can. The past you cannot change, but your response to your past you can." It is empowering to shift my beliefs, perceptions and thoughts.
Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.
How to best deal with a child with ADD?
Dean N. Nixon - Seminar Facilitator / Life Coach
Change Ourselves First!
-Carl Jung
Shifting Our Core Beliefs - 6/16/10
Dean N. Nixon - Seminar Facilitator / Life Coach
How Living In The Moment Helps You with Your Sobriety
Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.
Screw it baby let the good times roll!
So often we let our minds take over our LIFE. We waste so many countless minutes in a day just worrying over things that just don’t even matter. We think it matters, and in that moment it seems like a HUGE deal. In that moment, forgetting your kid’s lunch seems like you are the worst mom. Taking the wrong kid up to soccer pictures seems like you are an airhead mom. But in the bigger picture of our life we would enjoy more of our life if we just said, “Who cares” and let it go. Cause all those worries lead back to worrying about what OTHER people think of you. So you ran over the diaper bag today, you are still a good mom. So you backed into your sister’s car for the 3rd time, it will still be ok. She may not be very happy with you, but trust me, I have experience with this personally, and your true friends love you no matter what. They are just happy to know someone just as human as they are. Let it go, stop over thinking. We can either ride this ride of life freely, taking in each moment, learning from the up hills and down hills, or we can over think and fight it. But in the end over thinking will make you feel like the hamster spinning his wheel. My Dad used to say to me, “Jamie, don’t sweat the small stuff.” And just before I could utter the words “um, this isn’t small stuff,” he would interrupt and say “and it is ALL small stuff!”
Jamie Lightner - Life Coach
What our children can do for us?
Is just doing enough to get by enough?
Richard Moody, Ph.D.
How Angels work in my life...
One way I experience almost daily contact with angels working in my life is when I get behind the wheel of an automobile. In fact, I was on my way to work this morning and backing out of my garage, close to the driveway was a landscape truck and trailer right next to the passenger side of the driveway. I looked back and what a surprise. There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't look just in time to avoid hitting a car as I was backing out or looking and stopping just in time to avoid an accident. I say a silent, sometimes an out loud, thank you to that heavenly helper once again.
Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.
How can daily inventory help you stay positive?
One technique used often in recovery work, is doing a daily inventory. Daily inventories are a way to acknowledge something positive I have done or said that day as well as to note something that did not work in my day and something I may like to do different or an amends I may want to make. One client, I was talking with recently could tell me all that he had done wrong, however, failed to be able to acknowledge positive efforts on his part. I asked him to begin with a daily inventory in which he could acknowledge something positive that he had accomplished that day and also something that did not work for him. One positive accomplishment for any recovering person to acknowledge at the end of each day is "another day sober." He seemed to experience that acknowledging positive events, thoughts or actions in his life, helped him to begin looking for more positives and acting more positive. The Law of Attraction, in action, as talked about in "The Secret" is a DVD that we watch in Substance Abuse Recovery group and we can change circumstances by our thoughts. Another quote from "100 Ways to Attract Angels" by Samara Anjelae: Start reading your Angel Horoscope (it never changes), You have the free will to make today and every day how you want it. The power to create lies within you. Your guardian angel and your league of special angels are waiting to assist."
Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.
Who are your friends?
Richard Moody, Ph.D.
Peace and Progress cannot end
-Dag Hammarskjold
Peace and Progress cannot end
-Dag Hammarskjold
Why do we need spirituality?
Spirituality is the centerpiece of humanity. As humans we have always had a relationship with spirituality, it is a stabilizing force. We have always had a desire to understand who we are, to find meaning in the ugliness, hope in the beauty, and fulfillment in our lives. Spirituality gives us the ability to transcend the mortal to a higher mortality, understanding that there can be more to this life than we are willing to see. From the cave drawings of ancient times to modern wikipedia references, google searches, the need is the same, a search for truth. All that can be provided by our spirituality.
Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202
"It's not about change, it's about growth."
Who is the center of your universe?
Richard Moody, Ph.D.