Finding Joy in the Journey with Humor

This weekend I heard a 30 year old woman talk about recovering from Stage 3 breast cancer. She was talking about finding joy in the journey and she also decided that she also need to use humor to get through all the treatments, loss of hair, etc. She was diagnosed at 28 and is in remission. After the fact, she was told her chances of survival were just 6%. I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 20 years ago and went through much of the same and thought I was "over it", however, I was surprised about the emotions that surfaced for me. There is always more healing and growing to do. I loved her use of humor and it reminded me of Norman Cousins' book about healing himself with laughter. I am looking for ways to bring more humor into my daily life and to not take myself so seriously. I'll let you know how I do.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Substance Abuse & Addiction Specialist

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