9-02-10: Gratitude for Family

I have been thinking a lot about family recently and how much I love them. I have four awesome children and three are married to fantastic partners. I have nine grandchildren and they are all so incredible. I  have great extended family support with 5 siblings and parents that are still living. Needless to say there are a lot of us. Also, I spend a lot of time with my TurningLeaf family and they are all equally inspiring. Cliff Tapusoa is always on top of things in the Seminar Department and a computer whiz. Thank you, Cliff. The others therapists, Krista Bart, L.C.S.W. Clint Dalley, C.A.P.C. and Kevin Simons, L.P.C. are always available to staff clients if needed and have such wisdom and insight. I would highly recommend any one of them if you are needing help from a loving other.  They are open to ways to improve services, have great ideas and dedicated to serving those that are seen at TurningLeaf. Thanks to Krista, Clint and Kevin. We could not do what we do without the support and expertise of Ginger Kiel, our Business Manager and her assistants, Annette Carstens, and Anna Sorenson. I am so incredibly blessed to work with all these talented people. I know Doc and Dean feel the same and I thank both of them for their leadership skills, support and for keeping me grounded. And I live in beautiful St. George.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

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