What is Value Based Parenting?

How can Value Based Parenting help me teach my children to govern themselves?

The Value Based Parenting method gives parents knowledge and tools to instill and reinforce solid principles and morals that their children can carry into adulthood. This method isn't just about getting a child's behavior in control, but rather it's about but developing the child's conscience and integrity – their values. Value Based Parenting is a positive and affirming way to teach healthy boundaries with which the child can begin to govern themselves as they get older. Children raised with this method learn to feel satisfaction and achievement in accepting responsibility, making wise choices and contributing to the family structure. Value Based Parenting help preserve and strengthen the integrity of the family unit through consistency, communication and love.

The Value Based Parenting CDs covers 3 important areas in parenting.

CD 1 – Greatest Human Need

-Job of a Parent

-Parenting out of guilt and shame

-The greatest human need

-Ripple effect

-Parenting out of fear vs. love -Boundaries


CD 2 – Creating Rapport with children

-Creating rapport with children

-Your children's greatest need -Fear

-Value based and love

-Rules vs. Values

CD 3 – Mixed families and Co-Parenting

-Single Parenting

-Blended Families

-Polarized Parents

-Overcoming crisis and contention

-Growing out of crisis

-3 Steps of communication

Value Based Parenting -- http://bit.ly/wims8

A Happy Life

A client recently gave me this quote and thought I would pass it on. "Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should. Let go of what you cannot change. Kiss slowly. Play hard. Forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything and have NO regrets. Life is too short to be anything but happy." What do you think?

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Substance Abuse & Addiction Specialist

What is Value Based Parenting?

How can Value Based Parenting help me teach my children to govern themselves?

The Value Based Parenting method gives parents knowledge and tools to instill and reinforce solid principles and morals that their children can carry into adulthood. This method isn't just about getting a child's behavior in control, but rather it's about but developing the child's conscience and integrity – their values. Value Based Parenting is a positive and affirming way to teach healthy boundaries with which the child can begin to govern themselves as they get older. Children raised with this method learn to feel satisfaction and achievement in accepting responsibility, making wise choices and contributing to the family structure. Value Based Parenting help preserve and strengthen the integrity of the family unit through consistency, communication and love.

The Value Based Parenting CDs covers 3 important areas in parenting.

CD 1 – Greatest Human Need

-Job of a Parent

-Parenting out of guilt and shame

-The greatest human need

-Ripple effect

-Parenting out of fear vs. love



CD 2 – Creating Rapport with children

-Creating rapport with children

-Your children's greatest need


-Value based and love

-Rules vs. Values

CD 3 – Mixed families and Co-Parenting

-Single Parenting

-Blended Families

-Polarized Parents

-Overcoming crisis and contention

-Growing out of crisis

-3 Steps of communication

Value Based Parenting -- http://bit.ly/wims8

What are TurningLeaf's Personal Growth Seminars?

It is series of Seminars to help you unlock your full potential. Below is a description of each Seminar.

Wakening - Level 1 Seminar

If you had the ability to remove from your life unnecessary emotional pain, How far would you be willing to go to do it? What would it do to your capacity to deal with necessary emotional pain? The level 1 seminar is designed to help you create the capacity to feel free from hurtful emotions and belief systems that have caused emotional discomfort. To help you rewrite the programming of your life that has caused you to disconnect or insulate yourself from emotional relationships. It also gives you the ability to implement healthy boundaries without hurting and cutting people out of your life. It would increase communication and deepen relationships, while giving you the ability to heal and nurture relationships that have been diminished. This seminar is recommended to anyone. If you are struggling in your marriage, relationships in your family, or you would like to feel better than you ever had. This is a safe and powerful way for you and your loved ones to attend a seminar that will help you reconnect and heal.

Discernment - Level 2 Seminar

Discernment Level 2 is the second of a series of four seminars. This seminar gives you the ability to see yourself differently by challenging your belief systems that have held you hostage. It will help you with the ability to be at peace within your own skin and find a place of serenity. It will help you make your heart and mind a safe place to be. Level 2 also gives you the ability to tune in to your discernment and to use it more effectively as a guide and a mentor. It increases your spirituality, whatever spirituality you may have. It'll give you a deeper connection to your higher power.

Balance - Level 3 Seminar

Balance Level 3 is the third of a series of four seminars. This seminar helps you create balance in your life by removing fear. It is designed to give you the ability, in a very safe environment, to challenge the fears that you've been hanging on to for most of your life. Fear has affected your ability to create deep, meaningful, long-lasting relationships or to just simply feel comfortable with in your own environment.

Empowerment - Level 4 Seminar

Empowerment Level 4 is the last of four seminars. You will use what you have learned by changing the beliefs to create instant relief and direction. Level 4 gives you the ability to recognize where the belief systems come from, change them by using the tools you have gained from the last three seminars, as well as new tools provided in Level 4 change. It prepares you to move forward on your own to create powerful relationships, reaching dreams, and becoming the person you have known you are.

TurningLeaf's Personal Growth Seminars -- http://bit.ly/bpt9zN

Finding Joy in the Journey with Humor

This weekend I heard a 30 year old woman talk about recovering from Stage 3 breast cancer. She was talking about finding joy in the journey and she also decided that she also need to use humor to get through all the treatments, loss of hair, etc. She was diagnosed at 28 and is in remission. After the fact, she was told her chances of survival were just 6%. I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 20 years ago and went through much of the same and thought I was "over it", however, I was surprised about the emotions that surfaced for me. There is always more healing and growing to do. I loved her use of humor and it reminded me of Norman Cousins' book about healing himself with laughter. I am looking for ways to bring more humor into my daily life and to not take myself so seriously. I'll let you know how I do.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Substance Abuse & Addiction Specialist

9-13-10: Time Can Change Our Perception

Last night as we sat by the fire pit, I saw a coal pop and shoot a burning ember towards our feet. It glowed in the night air, and slowly disappeared into the darkness. I was impressed how time can change our perception. This hot burning ember that could have possibly created a smaller fire soon lost its heat and became inert. We can be provided with opportunities and yet not act, allowing time to sweep the moment by. This can come as a moment to say I love you, or a moment to speak your truth, or it may be in business. Time is either our ally or our adversary depending on our response.

Dean N. Nixon - Seminar Facilitator / Life Coach

9-07-10: How many of us get lost in the fog and lose sight of our goals or dreams?

Not long ago I was reminded about the story of Florence Chadwick. She was the first woman to swim the English Channel. She then decided to swim from southern Californiato Catalina Island, a distance of 26 miles. As she was swimming a heavy fog set in and she could not see anything. Her mother was in a boat nearby encouraging her to keep swimming. There were other boats around her and she could hear shots ring out from the marksmen if sharks approached too close. Finally, cold and discouraged, she got into the boat just one mile from the shore. When interviewed later, she stated that it was not the cold or sharks that made her stop; it was the fog. She could not see her goal! She attempted the swim a second time and did it despite fog. How many of us get lost in the fog and lose sight of our goals or dreams? Do we stop just short of the goal? This has been true for me at different times in my life. Some of my substance abuse clients at the conclusion of treatment admit they lost sight of their goals and their ability to reach them. Completion of treatment is sometimes the first accomplishment for them since….

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Parenting is a Tough Sport

When I think of raising my kids I can't help but putting it in terms I can understand. First - Taking a snap shot as my first child was placed in my arms, I looked down at her beautiful new eyes and realized it was time to get in the game. Second - The binkie dilemma. Now, How do you get that thing out of there?! I was certain my son was going to ask his best man for the ring and then say, "Here, hold my binkie." Then, There's learning to work as a team. Sometimes I was the coach calling in the plays from the sidelines. Thinking, "Ya, this one will work," Just to find become a broken play, "Ok, now go to bed." "What do you need? Some water?" "What? You want to tell me something?" "GO TO BED!!" "What? You forgot to kiss Mom goodnight?" "AGAHH!!!! Punt! punt! punt!" Sometimes the quarterback is looking to move the team down field only to be blindsided by unexpected bills and broken air conditioners and sometimes the unemployment blitz. Always the equipment manager, fixing broken bikes and broken dreams. Some seasons I felt we ended as champions, others we finished so far back we deserved a first round draft pick. Fourth - The crazed fan or "fanatic" because everyone knows MY kids are the best. Like I said, Parenting is a tough sport. Dad always said, "Son life is hard, get a helmet."

Dean N. Nixon - Seminar Facilitator / Life Coach

9-04-10: Amazing to see the growth!

Great group! Last day of facilitating Wakening - Adult Level 1 Seminar at the Wingate Hotel, St. George, UT. http://bit.ly/bpt9zN

9-02-10: Gratitude for Family

I have been thinking a lot about family recently and how much I love them. I have four awesome children and three are married to fantastic partners. I have nine grandchildren and they are all so incredible. I  have great extended family support with 5 siblings and parents that are still living. Needless to say there are a lot of us. Also, I spend a lot of time with my TurningLeaf family and they are all equally inspiring. Cliff Tapusoa is always on top of things in the Seminar Department and a computer whiz. Thank you, Cliff. The others therapists, Krista Bart, L.C.S.W. Clint Dalley, C.A.P.C. and Kevin Simons, L.P.C. are always available to staff clients if needed and have such wisdom and insight. I would highly recommend any one of them if you are needing help from a loving other.  They are open to ways to improve services, have great ideas and dedicated to serving those that are seen at TurningLeaf. Thanks to Krista, Clint and Kevin. We could not do what we do without the support and expertise of Ginger Kiel, our Business Manager and her assistants, Annette Carstens, and Anna Sorenson. I am so incredibly blessed to work with all these talented people. I know Doc and Dean feel the same and I thank both of them for their leadership skills, support and for keeping me grounded. And I live in beautiful St. George.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Help for Parents

Teach them to govern themselves. Now available in MP3 -- http://bit.ly/wims8