Touch Is Essential In Human Communication


The expressive action of touch is essential in human communication. It becomes a powerful tool when used appropriately. Touch can fill the void that words can not. The gentle touch of a mothers hand will sooth the fears of a child, the warm embrace of a husband can console the wounds of his loving wife.
Yet touch can be destructive and harmful as well, when abused for selfish agendas. The best way to determine healthy touch is to understand the intention behind the touch. Touch is a binding force when used appropriately.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 3-24-10 (The distractions in life keep us from being aware)

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean  N. Nixon 3-24-10 (The distractions in life keep us from being aware).  For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean N. Nixon 3-24-10 (The distractions in life keep us from being aware)

Value Based Living Weekly Webisode with Dean  N. Nixon 3-24-10 (The distractions in life keep us from being aware).  For more information on Value Based Living Click Here -

Feelings are a Powerful Source


At times we can feel very lost and hopeless, these feelings can translate into actions that create pain and hurt. Often when asked "How do I combat these depressing feelings?" I respond with, "Seeing the bigger picture." It is difficult to stay anchored when we have lost our vision of what we are moving towards. I remember as a young boy my Grandpa Noall telling me how to put a straight furrow in a field when planting Potatoes. As we passed a newly furrowed field one day, my grandfather asked "Do you know how they keep the lines so straight?" I responded, "No" and he then explained that the first line is the most important "It will determine where the rest of the lines will go." As he went on he told me how he would pick a fence post across the field, and without taking his eyes off of it he would slowly make his way towards his destination. It is as important to us to find a point of reference to move toward and keep us on a path of peace as it is for a farmer planting his future crops. Our future has been fixed on moments and we say "When" as a point of reference. But these things move and are dependent on trends, other people, and their humanity. They become fragile and brittle with no give or to much, leaving us frustrated and disillusioned. We can find a more permanent point of reference, one that takes discipline and focus. It is simply deciding, How do I want to feel? "How" instead of "When." Feelings are a powerful source. We can choose how the future will feel by picking the feeling we want now, then keep it in front of us. All we have to do is pick a post.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Commitment to your recovery with Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C. 3-24-10

Commitment to your recovery with Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C. For more information go to

LA Schools Teachers Training

TurningLeaf doing Teachers Training for several LA Schools.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center
Office: 435-652-1202

"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."
Have a little patience with me

"Be patient with yourself". Through all the training I have been through with Dean he is constantly telling me to be patient with myself. I am continually learning and growing, and I do love all the amazing concepts I have learned through the principals TurningLeaf teaches. I just want to learn it ALL yesterday. I see where I have grown and I just want more. At times I get impatient with my shortcomings and then I even find myself getting impatient about the fact that I still get impatient with myself. It is in those moments that I have to remind myself, that Life is not about perfection, it is about progression. Which is in fact a concept TurningLeaf teaches, and I have sincerely grown to love it. It reminds me that the valleys we sometimes find ourselves in aren't bad. They are all just a part of the climb. The adversity we experience in the valley teaches us and give us amazing incite into ourselves. It is because of what we learn in
the valley that we truly appreciate the view from the mountaintops.

So today I challenge anyone reading to have a little patience with yourself. Look at yourself honestly without judgment. In order to keep progressing we have to embrace our humanity. Stop comparing ourselves to what we think we should be. Stop belittling our accomplishments while holding a magnifying glass over our weaknesses. Everything is a stepping-stone. Even our mistakes are one step closer to our goals than just standing still. So today give yourself permission to be human and enjoy all the fascinating aspects of LIFE!

Jamie Lightner
TurningLeaf Seminars

Our Thoughts


A simple thought is like the rising sun, it illuminates
The day and gives it sight. There are times that the days are cloudy and the overcast sky limits the view, we become depressed and sad without realizing what is happening. Our attitude for the future becomes dark and hope is lost, we react to those around us in kind, snapping and responding in anger. The need to control the way we think starts by setting boundaries with in ourselves, we choose the way we think and how we see the world. We program our minds each day by how we discipline our imagination, this is where we allow thoughts to linger, giving into obsessive patterns. The day can start with thoughts that bring peace or storm clouds, we can choose.

Dean N. Nixon, Seminar Facilitator/Life Coach
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

TurningLeaf Seminar Testimonial

I'm amazed and grateful for the difference this seminar has made in my life. I can already see the rippling affect this difference in me has had on my friends and family, especially my kids. Our kids see more than what we present to them.  Somehow their spirits see through the facade and they begin to absorb and claim our baggage as their own, not even aware of what is happening. I've experienced this first hand in my own life. Even as adults we tend to claim other people's "junk" as our own. It is amazing the load one can shed by just letting go of everyone else's "junk".

I look at people in a whole new way. When you quit tearing yourself down, you also show others more compassion. I used to see some people through the eyes of resentment due to past betrayal, whereas now I am learning to see the pain behind the behavior.   Unfortunately, somewhere, along life's path, we all seem to acquire a measuring stick. A stick that we measure ourselves by and everyone else life brings across our daily path. We compare our wrongs with theirs, or our good deeds with theirs, or our kids to theirs, to see if we measure up. When in fact, we are all the same.  We all hurt, and that affects how we live our lives. When we can finally embrace our own humanity we bridge the gap between others and ourselves.

I now have more peace, and I give myself permission to be human, as I carry out my daily responsibilities. I can enjoy the "experience" of this wonderful thing we call "life". I believe God intended more for us than just coping. There truly is peace, and joy right here, right now, and I am getting a taste of it. I am growing, actually GROWING stronger everyday.  I went from surviving day to day, to LIVING again!

There will always be a reason not to attend a Turning Leaf Seminar. Time, money, kids, projects, vacations, housework, and jobs. There are always reasons; it is the way we live. But I can promise you this, when you make a HEALTHY YOU a priority, everything around you will improve.

So to anyone who has had this seminar opportunity presented to them, I encourage you to search your heart. Rather than make a decision based on circumstance, make it with your "guts". I believe deep inside ourselves we know what we need to do in all aspects of our lives. We just get confused by all the distractions, opinions, and fears around us.

I know this sounds crazy, and I don't even know your personal circumstance, but I can not express enough how amazing this has been for my life. I am very passionate about this seminar and I want to pass the opportunity on to as many people as I possibly can. So I encourage you to take the first step!!

- Jamie L.

Clifford K. Tapusoa, Seminar Director

TurningLeaf Wellness Center Office: 435-652-1202


"If you want what you've never had, You must do what you've never done."

What Young Men And Women Need Most Today


I was recently asked by the leader of a youth group what I thought young men and women needed the most in these days. My response was "Hope." Hope is vision, it gives us direction the ability to see beyond the trials and pain that overwhelms us. We need hope as humans and it can be a very effective tool in lifting the depressed and motivating the immobilized. It is common for young people to lose hope, in fact it is easy to do. Our world has become extremely fear based and blame when it comes to motivation, thinking we are helping to define or assign who did or didn't do something of worth. When in reality we are limiting the vision of our youth, who are looking for roles that will give them value without being wrong. Hope is dashed by the judgmental world we choose to live in, and desire to insert our views and opinions. When a parent criticizes a spouse or a child's friend, hope is lost, a role is defined and limits are placed. Hope is a gift and necessity for a healthy child to grow.

Dean N. Nixon, Owner/President

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Two Subtle Traits Of Success


As I was out raking my lawn today when I found myself in a zen state (like when I am vacuuming) and I started to ponder how the healthy grass withstood the rugged abuse of the rake. I began to see the dead and loose grass become swept away by the constant attack, finally a pile began accumulating at the end of each stroke and was then dumped in the trash. I was reminded of the principal of deep roots set in good soil. Then I saw another lesson present its self. Resiliency and Tenacity, two subtle traits of success, not foundation pieces as much as an attitude and mind set. The constant pull of the rake is a formidable convincing drive that says "let go" or "give up" and be swept aside with so many, firm roots and all. Adversity has claimed many well grounded educated and spiritual people, the constant pull and aggressive quality of adversity has taken many of our loved ones to dark places. It's not always the roots and soil that keep the drive alive, it requires more than just the "right tools." It's the ability to hang on and use the tools that make the difference. It is tenacity that gives a mother with breast cancer the ability to see her children raise children, and father who has lost his job the ability to invent a product that becomes a household name. It is resiliency that helps rebuild a community after it is rocked by a flood or earthquake, a child scared by a tragic event, or disability to repair his/her life and then help others to see their world differently. Not always spoken of but still powerful, these simple and most often quiet traits are the difference makers that tip the scales in favor of those who use them.

Dean N. Nixon, Owner/President

TurningLeaf Inc.

Office: 435-652-1202


"It's not about change, it's about growth."

The Liberating Energy Of Forgiveness


The way we see ourselves can be limited by our inability to forgive and/or receive forgiveness. Our world is made up by reference points and this is how we determine where we are and where we're going. These cues are everywhere and are helpful unless the points are affected by a lack of vision. Our vision is often blocked by hurt and anger. It causes us to miss healthy cues and fixate on our past as well as the fear of the future. The temptation is to react and claim our apology or avoid as to not have to feel the guilt. We shift to blame as a way to justify the fixation or to deflect the opinions of others, all of which causes us to focus on the offense and thus loose sight of truth. The liberating energy of forgiveness moves us from a state of victim to the freedom of accountability.

Dean N. Nixon, Owner/President
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."

Boundaries In Relationships


Often I have been asked about enabling and how to tell if we are engaged in it.
Understanding what the purpose of our relationship with this person is, do we have healthy boundaries is a great place to start. This friday at TurningLeaf from 6 -8:30 I will be presenting a workshop on boundaries and will be discussing this and other issues that can and do keep us stuck in unhealthy environments.

For more info call 435-652-1202.

Dean N. Nixon, Owner/President
TurningLeaf Inc.
Office: 435-652-1202

"It's not about change, it's about growth."