FACEBOOK CONTEST - Win TurningLeaf Services

TurningLeaf Wellness Center "LIKE" Contest


The "LIKE" contest is simple. Every new "LIKE" to the TurningLeaf Wellness Center Facebook fan page from August 2, 2011 to August 31, 2011 will be entered into a drawing to win a TurningLeaf seminar gift certificate (Valued at $478).  This certificate may be used for any scheduled seminar through 2012.  TurningLeaf will keep track of who is "LIKE" ing the page through reports available to us.


For our current fans, we did not forget about you. If you are the one who referred the Winner of the contest, you will also win a Seminar Gift Certificate in addtion to TWO coaching sessions with Dean Nixon, Life Coach.  As new fans are referred, a thank you will be placed on their wall asking who referred them.  If the new fan lists you as the person who referred them, we will make note of your name, in case they are the Winner.  New fans may list multiple people who referred them.  In this case, and if they win, a separate drawing for those who referred them will take place for the  multiple people listed. In the event that no referral is given, a random drawing will occur among all those who have been listed as a referral for others. The more people you referred, the more entries you will have in the drawing.


If you are a New fan during the contest time frame, you may also increase your chances of winning by making your own referrals to the  TurningLeaf Wellness Center fan page.

How to Find our Page and SHARE?

At the top of this site, click on the Facebook icon which will take you directly to the TurningLeaf Fan page. If you haven't already, click the "LIKE" icon. Then, share the page with your friends by clicking the "Share" button (found on the lower left hand side of the page) which will post a link on your Facebook wall. In your personal message, post something like “Like this page for a chance to win a Free Seminar valued at $478. Don’t forget who referred you if you win, because I will win too”

Additional Information

No purchase necessary. No age restrictions apply. Contest ends August 31, 2011 at Midnight. The winner will be contacted the same day as the drawing (September 5, 2011) through a Facebook post.  The winner(s) will also be announced on the TurningLeaf Wellness Center Facebook wall. 


True balance is one of the hardest things for humans to acquire because of where we chose to put our focus.   We tend to become more focused on balance as what we want things to feel like rather than embracing what it is in the moment.  An evaluation of which we may be more focused on can be done by looking at which of the two kinds of emotional pain and discomfort is  present in our lives (necessary pain or unnecessary pain). Necessary emotional pain and discomfort is what generates growth and emotional coping skills.  Unnecessary emotional pain and discomfort is created by our fears and expectations and is where we allow ourselves to draw our personal value from.  We fear emotional discomfort because we often perceive it as a sign of weakness, that we are bad or that there is something “wrong” with us or the other who is causing it.  With this energy we assume we are out of balance.  The reality may simply be that this emotional discomfort is what we need to help us progress and grow to become balanced.   True balance is obtained when we learn to stop avoiding issues and problems that are necessary in our lives.  It is not achieved by eliminating all emotional discomfort.  Embracing our humanity and accepting our short comings, while doing our best to eliminate unnecessary emotional pain, will prove itself to bring true balance.   

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach
TurningLeaf Wellness Center

EMOTIONAL BALANCE - Honoring Feelings and Emotions

Last week we discussed mental balance as one of the six areas of balance. This week the third area of balance to be discussed is emotional balance. The Level 1 Seminar is as important for emotional balance as it is for mental. Do you remember the Serenity Prayer said at the end of Twelve Step meetings? “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. How often do you feel peaceful and serene? Many of us try to avoid feeling emotional pain or discomfort. We may use alcohol and/or drugs to avoid feelings; to escape from feeling pain. Sometimes, we may even escape the joy or sabotage our own success if we are not feeling “good enough” or “worthy”. Sometimes we are feeling the guilt and shame of our thoughts or actions and this keeps us stuck in our addictions. Remember, feelings are not good or bad they are just feelings. They are clues to my emotional state moment to moment. I can accept and honor: “this is what I am feeling” and then choose how to work with the feelings. I can choose constructive or destructive ways to handle my emotions. For example, if I am feeling angry, I can go to the gym rather than “punch” a wall or someone. Galileo reminds us: “We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.” Discovering and honoring feelings can be rewarding and it helps us identify with others as we all feel feelings . In Seminar, we learn there are two ways to live life: coming from love or coming from fear. A Course in Miracles states: Perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not perfect love. But only perfect love exists. If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist. And Emily Dickinson wrote: That love is all there is, Is all we know of love. I have found meditation most helpful in getting to know and honor my feelings. What have you found? Click the "Contact Us" tab at the top of the page and let me know. I would love to hear from you.

Sue Judd, MSS, LSAC
Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor