Last week I discussed the six areas of balance and this week I am focusing on physical balance.  Physical balance looks at how I stay physically healthy with exercise and diet.  Let's take about exercise first.  There have been studies that show regular walking helps mental and physical health.  The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of cardio exercise daily and walking works!  TurningLeaf Wellness Center has a Zumba class taught by Cliff Tapusoa on Monday evenings at 6:00 p.m.  Zumba's motto is "Ditch the workout and join the party."  Cliff really does make it fun!  This is a beginning class and he will go slow so no one needs to be fearful as he wants you to "get it".  When you find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone and trying even though you are afraid, that is when you gain confidence and personal power.  Classes are $5 or you can buy a punch card for $20 and the 5th class is free.  Great deal!  We have had a Kundalini yoga class in the past and I loved it and I would like to start another one. There are so many fun ways to exercise and feel great.  Do you have a favorite?  I would love to hear about yours.  Now let's talk briefly about diet.  I am quoting ideas from a book I would highly recommended buying and reading:  "All Health's Breaking Loose:  The Handbook by Loa Blasucci.  What are you willing to experiment with as far as diet?  Most of us do not eat very healthy; the American diet is sorely lacking.  Consider this: "Toxic foods prevent us from feeling our best, and therefore our reactions to situation may be be at their best - the vicious cycle begins.  Begin to notice how your body feels as you become toxin-free.  Eliminate:  sugar, white flour, caffeine, processed and packaged foods, milk, diet soda, pork, cold cuts, and any cannor boxed food with additives.  These substances accelerate aging.  They are basically 'dead' foods that offer no energy to your body and contribute to degeneration and decay.  They prevent you from feeling the vibrance that you deserve to feel."  This may seen extreme, however, hopefully, it will help you to pay more attention and be more aware of what you are eating.  "How you eat is how you fuel your body.  This 'fuel' will determine how good you feel, and feeling good is how you win the game of life."  If you are intrigued read Loa's book, it is filled with great health ideas.  From Walt Whitman:  "If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred".  How well are you honoring yourself in this area?

Sue Judd, MSS, LSAC

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