The Overwhelming Cost of Addiction Treatment

As an addictions counselor, I am, and have been for some time, frustrated that clients  need or want treatment and cannot pay.  Even with insurance, it can be overwhelming.  However, many clients have no insurance.  Often they give up after the initial evaluation especially if Intensive Outpatient treatment is recommended.  They give up and do not even give it a try or they find "something cheaper", or they may start and then drop out because they feel overwhelmed.  There is the often erroneous belief that they somehow  found the money for alcohol or drugs, so just take that money and pay for treatment.  However, the monies they used for drugs were often acquired illegally, ie., through dealing, stealing, etc.  Or they have let things go unpaid to use bill monies for alcohol or drugs and once sober, they are trying to play catch-up as well as pay for treatment. We will be able to offer sliding scale rates based on income for substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, and/or seminars.  In April, we had an open house at TurningLeaf Wellness Center to announce the TurningLeaf Foundation.  Our Executive Director, Shelley Lantz, has been a major force in paperwork filed and sharing her expertise in fund raising.  I owe her a big thank-you.  Our initial fundraiser is collecting change and filling the jar we have in our front waiting area as many times as we can within the next 100 days with spare change.  Or we can send you a bag to fill and you can be a "change bandit" asking others to help.  Our goal is $100 in 100 days from as many people willing to collect change and give to help save a life and families.  If you or someone you know needs help with treatment, counseling or seminars, please go to the TurningLeaf Wellness Center web site or the TurningLeaf Foundation web site.  Give us some basic information and we will call you.

Sue Judd, M.S.S., L.S.A.C.

Help us Help "One Life at a Time!"

We are collecting spare change as a fundraiser for TurningLeaf Foundation. Little effort can yield Big Results. If you would like to participate please email We will get a "Collection Kit" to you. In 16 days, one business efforts collected $153.92. In 100 days that would be $625.00! More than enough to help someone in need of services. If we had 10 people collecting spare change for 100 days...Just Imagine! Evidence speaks for itself! --